Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Partially Handmade Christmas

I decided to attempt a handmade Christmas this year. It was quite a challenge, since I made this decision in October. Here are the projects I was able to finish and give as gifts. Hopefully next year will be even more crafty! Any requests?

The pirate panda. 

A Packers lap blanket, for use during the game next weekend. I also made a Bears one, but that one isn't allowed to travel.

A simple blanket for the family grab bag gift exchange.

Rice bags for the ladies at work. I also made one from scrap Packer fabric and some little ones for my daughter who always needs an ice pack at bedtime. 
Also, a peace sign pillow for my daughter. She told me she is "going through a peace sign phase" so I thought she might enjoy this. She loves it. 

1 comment:

  1. I love all your handmade gifts! Thanks for linking up to Fantabulous Friday!
