Yesterday I read Dog Sees God by Bert V. Royal. This play was great on so many levels! I laughed out loud many times while reading this. It was great to see someone's interpretation of what happened to the Peanuts kids as teens.
While this play was very humorous, it also focused on some major issues. Sexual identity, drug use, violence in schools, and teen suicide to name a few.
I can't wait to perform this play. It is being presented to the board of our local theatre troupe on Sunday. Hopefully the show will be approved!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Finally! I think I could have checked this off 3 times, but it never stayed clean after I got it that way. We got a new kitten and needed a place for her to live at night because she is a pain in the butt and likes to attack us in our sleep. We didn't want her waking Kaia anymore, and also didn't want her messing with baby Leif. So, Kaia decided to put together a living space for her in the entry way. We picked up everything off the floor, took a lot of stuff to the shed, and put a litter box, some food and water, and her toys out there. She doesn't love it, but having her there keeps the place clean and keeps her from bugging us.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
So today we decided to move the couch out to the shed and try living with just chairs. We shall see how that goes. In the meantime I will count #44 as done! Since there is no longer a "behind the couch" I had to pick things up off the floor. More living room cleaning to be done tomorrow as long as I'm not completely exhausted.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
While it is true that it is not yet my birthday, I did get a birthday present from the inlaws yesterday. It was a Nintendo DSi! It's so much fun! I hope they add more games and other things to download soon, but I did get Dr. Mario and have been playing that nonstop since yesterday. Now if I could just find the case with all of the DS games in it, I would be golden!
Friday, June 12, 2009
I put my Tea Station together in the kitchen. The shelf used to hold mugs, but we got rid of some dishes we didn't need so there was room in the cupboard for the mugs. This shelf is right above the sink and right under the kitchen witch I got from my little sister. It looks great! Not sure what I'm going to do when I get more tea... I love tea.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Seussical is almost over! We have a 3 performances left and I actually delivered a couple of thank you cards. I sent them to people who allowed us to use the school and classrooms for rehearsal spaces. I could probably have sent out a few more to other people, but I didn't. And because I usually don't send any at all, I count this as a success. :-)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
#23 Parts 4-5
Here are the last 2 things I made from "Stitch 'n Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker". The "Fat Bottom Bag" turned out pretty nice. I like the pattern. It was pretty quick and easy. It does need to be lined if I want to actually use it for anything. The other pattern was the "Exchange Bag". This one I kept messing up on and not fixing. Oh well. I'd probably make it again if I wanted to pay closer attention to the pattern and maybe put in more time and focus. We shall see.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
#57 May 2009
Yesterday, we went to see "A Night at the Museum: Battle at the Smithsonian". It was a very cute movie. Very funny, very entertaining. We all enjoyed it.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
#18 Parts 12-15
Saturday, May 9, 2009
#18 Parts 8-11
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
#59 May '09
Today I had a Doctor's appointment so Lars and I went to Applebees for lunch. I had a steak, but it wasn't very good. Oh well. It was fun :-)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Yesterday we finally got rid of quite a bit of stuff by having a garage sale. Well, it was more of a "Slab of concrete" sale, because we don't have a garage. The shed is much cleaner, everything that didn't sell is going to be donated to the Salvation Army.
It was a beautiful day for a garage sale, and it was nice to spend the day outside! I did, however, get a pretty bad sunburn on my face, hands and chest. Oh well. It'll heal.
Monday, April 20, 2009
#23 Part 3
Sunday, April 19, 2009
#18 Part 7
Saturday, April 18, 2009
#23 Part 2
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Today was beautiful, so I decided to clean out the car! It looks great and I found some stuff. I found 3 different kinds of lip balm and my favorite pair of sunglasses! The only thing left is to vacuum, but I think they'll do that for me next time I take it to get the oil changed. Yay clean car!!!
Friday, April 10, 2009
#57 & #59 April 2009
Lars and I both had a free afternoon so we went to the Cottage on Broad Street for lunch. He won a gift card in a disc golf tournament last year, so we used that. It was great food, as usual, and quite fun.
Kaia and I went to see the Hannah Montana movie. It was the first showing on the first day. The movie theatre was very understaffed. There was a huge line at concessions, but we really needed pop corn, so we waited the 20 minutes it took to get through the line. The movie needed more Jackson, and less Hannah singing. That's all I will say about it. :-)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
#6 Part 2
Today I read Asylum by Jerome McDonough. It was... interesting. I think I'd have to watch it in order to understand what was going on. But that might not help. Weird play. Thanks Catie...
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
By searching through my house, accepting donations from friends, and making one myself, I have now acquired several reusable shopping bags! I'm ready to go green! Now if I can just remember to bring them with me and use them...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
#23 Part 1
#18 Part 6
Monday, March 30, 2009
#18 Parts 2-5
Sunday, March 29, 2009
#6 Part 1

I read Spring's Awakening by Frank Wendekind translated by Eric Bentley. This is the original script that the musical Spring Awakening is taken from.
I enjoyed it very much. It was very moving (just like the musical, which I saw before reading the script). I felt that there were a few things that could have been translated better for the musical. I think it's definitely something that should be read before attempting to put on the musical version.
Friday, March 27, 2009
#59 March '09
Lars and I went out to Okoboji Grill yesterday after our Doctor's appointment. We found out we are having a boy and everything is still looking good! I will add pictures as soon as we get them scanned.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I finished reading "A Lion Among Men" today. It was alright. I have read most of Gregory Maguire's books and have liked most of them. "Wicked" was great, "Son of a Witch" not so good, and "A Lion Among Men" just alright. Oh well. I'll still read "Lost" sometime. It's the only one of his books I haven't read yet.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
#18 Part 1
#57 March '09
Kaia and I went to see Inkheart yesterday. It was a very good adaptation of the book. There were a few things that weren't explained well enough for people who hadn't read the book, but it was very entertaining and Kaia loved it. Good movie. I recommend watching it if you haven't seen it yet.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
We finally got a camera! It's a Nikon Coolpix L20 and I love it! I've been playing with different settings to see which ones I like best, but it's great for what we need! Expect photos soon!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
#48 and #49

#48. In October I directed the play Proof at ACTORS community theatre in Ames, IA. It was a lot of fun and a great experience. We did, however, have a crisis during tech week. My lighting designer didn't come to first tech, so we didn't have any lights! After much discussion and stress, we called a friend who came in and saved us! I promised I would make him some cookies to show my appreciation, but then I never got around to doing it. FINALLY the cookies have been made and delivered!
#49. I did make some cookies for friends at work a couple of months ago, and everyone there enjoyed them. Those who weren't working that day heard about the cookies and started saying "PS please send cookies" every time they saw me. SOOOO the cookies have been made and are accompanying me to work tomorrow.
*A note on pictures... until I accomplish #61 (or until I find my camera) all photos will be taken with my phone. Not the best quality, but it's what I have!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
My Mission 101 in 1001
`This seemed like a great idea, so I thought I'd give it a shot.
Here's the website- http://www.dayzeroproject. com/?view=gettingstarted
And here's what the website says...
Creating your own 1001 Day Project
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
And here's my list!
This List
1. Come up with a list of 101 things
2. Start a blog about my 101 things
3. Finish reading "A Lion Among Men"
4. Practice piano 4 times a week for 3 months (0/48)
5. Practice guitar 4 times a week for 3 months (0/48)
6. Read 56 plays (6/56)
7. Read "Eldest"
8. Read "Brisingr"
9. Read "Inkspell"
10. Read "Inkdeath"
11. Take a cooking class
12. Read all of Shakespeare's plays
13. Take a class on draping
14. Learn Sign Language
15. Make a sweater
16. Make a pair of socks
17. Make a hat for Catie
18. Work through Ravelry Queue (19/19)
19. Sell some hats
20. Make a dress
21. Start a Stitch 'n Bitch
22. Redo the wedding dress
23. Make 5 more pieces from "Stitch 'n Bitch Crochet" (5/5)
24. Make a mobile
25. Get an awesome sewing machine
26. Clear out the shed
27. Get rid of stuff on the landing
28. Get rid of stuff in the bedrooms
29. Clean the downstairs
30. Redo the landing
31. Redo the "Fun Room"
32. Clear out the entry way
33. Redo the bedroom
34. Organize the living room
35. Organize the kitchen
36. Redo the bathroom
37. Set up a "Tea Station" in the kitchen
38. Have a garage sale
39. Redo the back yard
40. Redo the front yard
41. Get new curtains for the living room
42. Get a hammock
43. Get a smaller dining room table
44. Clear out behind the couch
45. Clean out the car
46. Frame some of the posters and put them on the wall
47. Buy a bigger house
48. Make cookies for Nick
49. Make cookies for the boys
50. Hang out with the Waldorks twice a year
51. Host a dinner party
52. Throw someone a birthday party
53. Get family photos taken
54. Complete the Love Dare
55. *Secret*
56. Send family photos to family members
57. Take Kaia to a movie once a month
58. Go bowling without getting mad at Lars
59. Have monthly dinner out with Lars
60. Send birthday cards to the kids
61. Get a new camera
62. Photograph crochet projects
63. Photograph cross stitch projects
64. Scan old photos
65. Take more pictures
66. Take my "Bad Idea Bear" out on adventures
67. Get wedding photos scanned
68. Take a vacation
69. Go to New York City
70. Go to a beach
71. Go to the Omaha Zoo
72. Visit Iowa towns
73. Take a Saturday to drive
74. Drive to Washington
75. Don't eat fast food for a full month
76. Learn how to perfectly cook asparagus
77. Learn how to perfectly cook zucchini
78. Try 30 new recipes (1/30)
79. Exercise 3 times weekly
80. Join a tea of the month club
81. Go to a Farmer's Market
82. Tithe regularly
83. Do 10 random acts of kindness (1/10)
84. Acquire or make reusable shopping bags
85. USE reusable shopping bags
86. Turn off the TV for 1 day a week
87. Donate food to the local food bank
88. Get JSTT photos put on CD for the website
89. Organize the JSTT wardrobe
Just for me
90. Learn to use my Heelys
91. Ride a Segway
92. Get my Into the Woods painting framed
93. Get henna
94. Get a Nintendo DSi
95. Get a massage
96. Sell the JS piece
97. Get a new car
98. Get a grown up job
99. Send Christmas Cards
100. Send "Thank You" cards after Seussical
101. Carry a journal
Here's the website- http://www.dayzeroproject.
And here's what the website says...
Creating your own 1001 Day Project
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
In progress
And here's my list!
This List
1. Come up with a list of 101 things
2. Start a blog about my 101 things
3. Finish reading "A Lion Among Men"
4. Practice piano 4 times a week for 3 months (0/48)
5. Practice guitar 4 times a week for 3 months (0/48)
6. Read 56 plays (6/56)
7. Read "Eldest"
8. Read "Brisingr"
9. Read "Inkspell"
10. Read "Inkdeath"
11. Take a cooking class
12. Read all of Shakespeare's plays
13. Take a class on draping
14. Learn Sign Language
15. Make a sweater
16. Make a pair of socks
17. Make a hat for Catie
18. Work through Ravelry Queue (19/19)
19. Sell some hats
20. Make a dress
21. Start a Stitch 'n Bitch
22. Redo the wedding dress
23. Make 5 more pieces from "Stitch 'n Bitch Crochet" (5/5)
24. Make a mobile
25. Get an awesome sewing machine
26. Clear out the shed
27. Get rid of stuff on the landing
28. Get rid of stuff in the bedrooms
29. Clean the downstairs
30. Redo the landing
31. Redo the "Fun Room"
32. Clear out the entry way
33. Redo the bedroom
34. Organize the living room
35. Organize the kitchen
36. Redo the bathroom
37. Set up a "Tea Station" in the kitchen
38. Have a garage sale
39. Redo the back yard
40. Redo the front yard
41. Get new curtains for the living room
42. Get a hammock
43. Get a smaller dining room table
44. Clear out behind the couch
45. Clean out the car
46. Frame some of the posters and put them on the wall
47. Buy a bigger house
48. Make cookies for Nick
49. Make cookies for the boys
50. Hang out with the Waldorks twice a year
51. Host a dinner party
52. Throw someone a birthday party
53. Get family photos taken
54. Complete the Love Dare
55. *Secret*
56. Send family photos to family members
57. Take Kaia to a movie once a month
58. Go bowling without getting mad at Lars
59. Have monthly dinner out with Lars
60. Send birthday cards to the kids
61. Get a new camera
62. Photograph crochet projects
63. Photograph cross stitch projects
64. Scan old photos
65. Take more pictures
66. Take my "Bad Idea Bear" out on adventures
67. Get wedding photos scanned
68. Take a vacation
69. Go to New York City
70. Go to a beach
71. Go to the Omaha Zoo
72. Visit Iowa towns
73. Take a Saturday to drive
74. Drive to Washington
75. Don't eat fast food for a full month
76. Learn how to perfectly cook asparagus
77. Learn how to perfectly cook zucchini
78. Try 30 new recipes (1/30)
79. Exercise 3 times weekly
80. Join a tea of the month club
81. Go to a Farmer's Market
82. Tithe regularly
83. Do 10 random acts of kindness (1/10)
84. Acquire or make reusable shopping bags
85. USE reusable shopping bags
86. Turn off the TV for 1 day a week
87. Donate food to the local food bank
88. Get JSTT photos put on CD for the website
89. Organize the JSTT wardrobe
Just for me
91. Ride a Segway
92. Get my Into the Woods painting framed
93. Get henna
94. Get a Nintendo DSi
95. Get a massage
96. Sell the JS piece
97. Get a new car
98. Get a grown up job
99. Send Christmas Cards
100. Send "Thank You" cards after Seussical
101. Carry a journal
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